Episode No. 12 Try Easier
Burned out? Maybe instead of trying harder, try easier. Do the work but with it with ease. Check out today's episode to learn more.
Episode No. 11 EightSimple Things You Can Do Right Now To Have The Best Week Ever
Today I'm sharing some simple things you can do to set yourself to have an incredible week. I'm talking super simple things like ironing your clothes for the week, meal prepping + the like. Nothing earth-shattering but things that can set you up to be super successful!
Episode No. 10 Dis Tew Much: What To Do When You're Overwhelmed + Over It
Burn out is real! So what do you do when you're overwhelmed and completely over it? Well, I'm sharing what to do to dig yourself out of a rut + get back to living fully and chasing after your dreams.
Episode No. 9 How to Stay Motivated When You Aren't Seeing Results
Nothing is harder than staying motivated when you aren’t seeing the results you’d hope for. Today we’re chatting about how to stay in the game and not give up.
Episode No. 8 Keep Your Eyes On Your Own Paper
Comparison is the thief of all joy. So how do you do it? How do you stop comparing and really enjoy the lane that you’re in. Simple Keep your eyes on your own paper.
Episode No. 7 How To Tune Out Distractions + Get Ish Done
You sit down with your planner, crack open your laptop and bam! Your phone starts ringing, you get a few texts, your Instagram notifications are going ham. There is nothing worse than trying to get your dream work done and then getting distracted. Today we’re talking about how to tune out all the distractions and make ish happen!
Episode No. 6 Batch Please!
Struggle to get everything done? Why not batch your work! Find out how in today’s episode of The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast!
Episode No 5. Everything Is Figure-It-Out-Able
Google. Youtube. Skillshare. Everything is literally figure-it-out-able. Sometimes we hide behind the excuse of not knowing too much. Today I’m sharing how you can ditch the excuses and make ish happen in your dreams + life.