Episode No 5. Everything Is Figure-It-Out-Able
How many times have you had an idea or a dream but you didn't do anything with it because you didn't know how? One thing that keeps us from accomplishing our dreams is that we don’t know how to do things. We get stuck in a rut because we don't take the steps to gain knowledge in the areas where we struggle.
Listen, I get it. When I started No Real Jewelry, I had no clue what I was doing. But I didn't let that stop me. It took hustling to figure out everything I didn't know how to do. I found a way to make the things I wanted to happen happen. I taught myself how to take bomb pictures and how to promote myself to brands and get to where I am today.
In this week's episode of the Sunday Jumpstart Podcast, I share how to move past the "I don't knows" and learn how to figure it out. I live by the motto that everything is figure-it-out-able. Don't let inexperience and lack of knowledge keep you from making ish happen in your life and in your career. Get you some figure-it-out and get it done!
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
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