Episode No. 11 EightSimple Things You Can Do Right Now To Have The Best Week Ever

The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast Episode No. 11 EightSimple Things You Can Do Right Now To Have The Best Week Ever.jpg

Available on iTunes, Stitcher,Google Play Music + Soundcloud

Monday comes every week. And every week, so many of us dread it. We wake up groggy and rushing to get our week going. Rush to get breakfast made, get our clothes picked out, then figure out what you need to accomplish for the week. It's too much!

What if I told you that there are super simple things that you could do to make sure your week was the best one yet? If you take the time to incorporate a few of the tips from today's episode in your Sunday, you're guaranteed to have a great week.

In this week's episode of The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast,  I share with you 8 (plus 2 bonus) tips. These are super easy, super practical things that will set your week up for the better. These aren't new tips, but try a few and see how well your week goes!

Topics Discussed In This Episode:

  • Get Quiet

  • Set goals for the week

  • Clean out your inbox

  • Get a head start on Monday emails

  • Plan out your outfits for the week

  • Meal prep, pack, go grocery shopping

  • Get gas before Monday morning

  • Schedule some white noise

  • Clean up

  • Spend time relaxing with friends and family

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

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Episode No. 12 Try Easier


Episode No. 10 Dis Tew Much: What To Do When You're Overwhelmed + Over It