Episode No. 7 How To Tune Out Distractions + Get Ish Done

The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast Episode No. 7 How To Tune Out Distractions + Get Ish Done.jpg

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This month on The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast and No Real Jewelry, we've been focusing on time management and productivity. We're trying to achieve our goals this year, right? Well, that means that we have to do some things that help us get them done! The main thing that keeps us from getting ish done is lack of focus. We're so easily distracted and we don't see any progress on our goals. You sit down to focus on your goal and your phone rings because your mama wants to talk about your cousin's sisters messy life. After that, your boo FaceTimes you and wants to spend time boo'd up on the phone. Then your phone goes off and your favorite person on Instagram just posted a video and next thing you know, you've been sucked into a scrolling hole. Distractions are distracting! They keep us from making real progress.

In this week's episode of The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast, let's talk about getting rid of those distractions. I'll share with you five things that I do to help me increase my productivity. Use these tricks to help you focus and get ish done and checked off of your to-do list. Ready to make some progress? Listen in!

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:


Episode No. 8 Keep Your Eyes On Your Own Paper


Episode No. 6 Batch Please!