Episode No. 95 Your Big Comeback
“Giving up on your goals because of one setback is like slashing your other three tires because you got a flat”
-somebody on Pinterest
One day you wake up and have a dream. Maybe it's to start a business, become a certified yoga instructor, or finally move to Paris. At first, you think it's a fluke, but then that dream begins to visit you every freaking day. You daydream about croissants, you sign up for an online yoga class, you talk to your creative entrepreneur friend and pick her brain about how she started it all.
After weeks/months/years of doing a ton of research and weighing the pros and cons you finally gather up the courage to start doing the work. You're networking, showing your work, pitching, learning, you're in love with your dream. But then things start happening--the rejection letters start to pour in, sales are slow, you don't book clients. Things are tough. You love your dream but the sacrifices and losses are starting to add up. That passion and enthusiasm you had for your dream, in the beginning, is gone baby gone. So you fall back. You stop showing up consistently, you stop doing the work. You lose sight of your dream and it sucks big time. The good news? You can always get your dreams back + make a big comeback.
In today's episode, we're talking about what happens when you fall out of love with your dreams, how to get that passion back, and have your biggest comeback yet!
Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:
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Episode No. 27 How to bounce back from Burnout
Episode No. 8 Keep Your Eyes On Your Own Paper
Episode No. 13 Reconnecting With Your Why
This week’s listener win comes in from Frances. Congrats on your new apartment!