Episode No. 13 Reconnecting With Your Why

The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast Episode No. 13 Reconnecting With Your Why.jpg

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Welcome back from our two-week break!

This week's episode is all about reconnecting with your why. Y'all I had to take a break because I was burned out. I was doing too much - writing 3-4 blog posts a week, a weekly newsletter, creating podcast content, Instagram captions, taking my own photos, editing, networking, pitching - on top of real life stuff!  I was completely overwhelmed and so I just shut down.  DIS TEW MUCH!

During this break, I had to remember why I'm doing this. No Real Jewelry isn't some fly by night, short-term thing I'm trying to do. I want to build something that will last. Reconnecting with my why gave me exactly what I needed to keep going and not quit. If we gave ourselves permission to be in a mindset that we are committed to this lifestyle or goal for the long haul than that need to be an overnight success would vanish. We wouldn’t be working ourselves to the bone, not sleeping, not eating right if we realized that our dreams aren’t some fly by night ish. We are on the journey to our dreams. So when we don’t get a million things off of our to-do list it’s ok because we are committed to seeing this thing through.

In this week's episode of The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast, I share how to reconnect with your why. It's important to remember why you started as you continue your journey. If you are feeling a little burned out as you work towards your dreams, take a listen to this episode. 

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:


Episode No. 14 Don't Hate Your Day Job


Episode No. 12 Try Easier