Episode No. 14 Don't Hate Your Day Job


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Let's talk about our day jobs. I know, I know - some of us don't like our day jobs. We don't like Monday, our bosses, or our coworkers. Many of us are starting our own businesses in hopes that we ain’t ever got to work a day job again in our lives. But that’s what I wanted to talk to you about today. What if I told you that you can use your day job to fuel your dream work? I know what you’re thinking - Jessica how in the world can the job I don't like help me reach my goals? Well, I’m going to tell you how my day job helped me create my own lane and start this very podcast, my blog and my business.

You might not be in the position to take the leap of faith right now to quit your job, but I want you to pivot your mindset and start thinking about how your day job can be your boot camp or grad school for what God has really placed in your heart.

In this week's episode of The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast, I'll share with you how to use your current position at your not so dreamy day job to propel you closer to your true dreams. God has you where He wants you in order to help you get to where He's taking you. If you want to change how you view your day job and see how it can help you take strides towards your dreams, listen in to today's episode.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:


Episode No. 15 How To Get A Ton Of Ish Done Using The Pomodoro Technique


Episode No. 13 Reconnecting With Your Why