Episode No. 92 Excellence -Vs- Perfection: How Chasing Perfect Is Keeping You Stuck

The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast Episode No. 92 Excellence Vs Perfection How Chasing Perfect Is Keeping You Stuck.JPG

“At its root perfectionism isn’t really about a deep love of being meticulous. It’s about fear. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of disappointing others. Fear of success. Fear of failure.”

-Michael Law

Do you ever scrap an entire project if you make just one teeny-tiny mistake? Or how about making 'ish happen? Do you wait until you have the perfect amount of followers or the perfect equipment to make moves in your goal chase? Perfection is like Dr. Jekly and Mr. Hyde in the productivity world. On one hand, it makes you feel like you are being meticulous and holding yourself to a super high standard. But in reality, perfectionism is often rooted in deep fear and self-sabotage. In today's episode, we're exploring the difference between chasing excellence and chasing perfection. One journey allows room for mistakes and growth. While the other keeps you stuck in a cycle of fear. Check out today’s second episode in our versus series “Excellence -Vs-Perfection”


Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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Quick Tip #13 Do This To Guarantee That Your Work Is Always Excellent


Quick Tip #12 Ask Yourself— What Do I Need More Of?