Episode No. 28 How To Stop Chasing Perfection In Your Life + Work
"Perfect ain't coming. It's a myth. So we have to learn how to step up, show up + shoot our shots in the midst of imperfection”
-Jessica Lauren
Hey, you. Yes, you waiting over there for the perfect moment. I have a bit of a newsflash for you. Your need for perfection is paralyzing you.
I know, it's hard to hear. I get it. Trust me I do. You want your work to be it's absolute best. And ain't nothing wrong with that. But perhaps one of the reasons that you're stuck in your life and career is because you're using perfection as an excuse to not take action.
I'm not judging. I do it all the time too. I won't shoot my shot + pitch to any big brands because I don't have the perfect amount of followers just yet. I won't produce that workshop I've been dreaming of for the past 3 years because I think maybe I need just one more conference, webinar, e-course or mastermind group under my belt to validate me. And then, and only then, can I start working on that goal I've been dreaming of. Sound familiar?
We all do it. We wait until we're the perfect size, have the perfect credentials on our resumes, have the highest of degrees until we take the leap, ask big and show up boldly in our lives. But lately, I've been wondering what would happen if we stopped chasing perfect and instead choose to show up, do our best and still ask big when things aren't peachy keen. My guess? Overflow would happen. Promotions would happen. Art galleries would open. Graduations would be celebrated.
In today's episode, we're exploring why it's important to ditch the need perfection + how to be our best selves even when life is messy, complicated and a little scary.