Episode No. 50 Start The Thing

The Sunday Jumpstart Episode No. 50 Start The Thing.jpg

“There are two fatal errors that keep great projects from coming to life:
1) Not finishing
2) Not starting”

-Buddha Gautama

I can't believe that we made it to 50 episodes of The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast! You see when I started the podcast I was scared out of mind. I didn't know the first thing about podcasting or editing. I didn't have a ton of followers so I was afraid that no one would listen. It took me an entire YEAR to hit publish on Episode No. 1  because I was filled to the brim with self-doubt.

I don't know how but eventually I pushed past all of the fear and I just launched. It was messy, scary and I felt like a complete idiot but I did it. Episode No. 1 aired on Dec. 3, 2017, and 163 people actually listened to it. I was shocked! 🤯Lol! I thought that I might get a good ten listeners but God proved otherwise. Fast forward to today and we are 50 whole episodes deep with nearly 20,000 downloads on iTunes. Crazy right?!

Now I don't post those numbers to stunt. No way Jose. I posted them to show the magic of-- Starting The Thing! That podcast. That blog. That side hustle. That book. Start it now. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just do it. I know it's scary + you may feel like you don't have the right tools, money, education or whatever, but you do. It's already inside of you and I am living PROOF. If I can turn a small dream that terrified the living daylights out of me into reality, guess what? You can too! So in today's episode, we're talking about pushing past the fears and leaping towards the dreams that God has placed in our hearts!

Now I couldn't have made it to 50 episodes with your help! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every download, rate, review, share, like, dm and email. You are the reason this little dream of mine is a reality and I cannot say thank you enough! As a token of my appreciation, I want to invest in you and your dream. Take a listen to today's episode to learn more about the #StartYourThing Contest!

Liked today’s episode? Leave a rate + review here!  Want to keep in touch? Email: hello@norealjewelry.com | Instagram: @norealjewelry | Blog: NoRealJewelry.Com |


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