Episode No. 49 How To Decide If A New Opportunity Is Right For You

The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast Episode No. 49 How to Decide If A New Opportunity Is Right For You.jpg

 “What we most fear is usually what we need to do the most"  

Tim Ferriss 

One day you're just minding your business and then BAM! You get approached with an opportunity you didn't see coming. You're flattered and it piques your interests, but something about it makes you a little hesitant. Maybe the salary that they're offering doesn't quite match the number you had in your head. Or that new dream job requires you to pack up, move away from your loved ones and relocate across the country. So what do you do? How do you decide if an opportunity is a no-go or a hecky yeah? How do you know whether or not that the hesitation you feel is just your inner critic trying to make sure you stay nice and comfortable in your comfort zone or the fears you're feeling are valid concerns that need some careful thought and consideration?  Welp, today on The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast I'm sharing some tips that will help you determine whether or not you should take the leap of faith and say yes or listen to your gut and run for the hills. If you've been stuck and need help making a tough decision then today's episode is for you!

Resources Mentioned In Today's Episode:

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Episode No. 50 Start The Thing


Episode No. 48 Living With Intention