Episode No. 107 Conquering The Fear Of Posting On Social Media

The Sunday Jumpstart Episode No. 107 Conquering The Fear Of Posting On Social Media*.JPG

Back in the day, social media was easy as hell. You just took a random blurry picture, uploaded it, and went on about your business. Now? Well, now so much thought and energy goes into social media.

I mean, there is a lot to consider. There are algorithms, hashtags, and a mysterious shadow ban. You have to come up with mic drop moments in your captions and curate an aesthetic on the regular.

There's Dm's and reels, and stories and lives. Haters, trolls, supporters, and spectators. It's ALOT and what used to be fun and organic now feels like the type of work cut out for the marketing execs at Sterling Cooper (yes, that's a Mad Men reference), and guess what? All of those moving pieces (the likes or lack thereof) can do a number on your mental health and even your business. In fact, for a lot of us, posting on social media can trigger major anxiety.

In the past few #QuickTip episodes, I've been encouraging every #GoalGetter to stop hiding, step into the spotlight and show off your work. But how? How the hell do you work up the nerve to post when posting gives you a legit panic attack? Well, in today's episode, I'm sharing some simple ways to help you feel the fear and do it anyway!


Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast Martha Graham Quote.jpg

Quick Tip #23 Let Your Reminders App Be Your Emotional Guide


Episode No. 106 Trusting The Pivot With Tatiana Muse