Episode No. 85 Releasing Yourself From The Pressure Of Doing
“Your worth isn’t tied to your productivity. You are enough even when you aren’t doing. It’s okay to be still during this time.”
-Jessica Lauren
For the past few weeks, I've been trying to do all the things. You should see my to-do list, it's hella long with home projects, blog updates, and business ideas. Your girl thought she was going to use this quarantine time to play catch up + get her hustle on. Did that happen? Absolutely NOT!
I had not a clue just how hard + how deeply the C-word would affect my mental health. Like most of us, I've been grappling with so many unexpected emotions that I had to sit my ass down somewhere. I tried my hardest to still myself and let me just be, but there was a huge part of me that felt incredibly guilty for not doing more. There was this daily pressure that I kept putting on myself to do. To produce. Create. Strategize. Show up on Instagram. But I just couldn't do any of it. All I wanted to do was binge-watch Tiger King, sleep, eat, cry, pray, journal + FaceTime my homies. You know, all those very human things we tend to do when we're overwhelmed, mourning + and searching for comfort and answers.
The crazy thing is that I wasn't the only person that felt this pressure. Whenever I hopped on social media everyone on my timeline said that they felt guilty for not being in super productive, goal-getter mode. But I thought to myself “who the hell said we had to be "on" during this pandemic anyway? We're in uncharted territory here so why can't we rest? Why can't we chill? Why are we feeling bad for feeling scared? Why can't we just go to Instagram live parties + not feel guilty about it?"
I have a pretty good idea why. It's because we've bought into this idea that we're machines. That we can push through, roll up our sleeves + do the work no matter what, even a global pandemic. Well, the earth ain't having it. Homegirl is forcing us to sit down, be still, stay home, catch up on sleep, and reflect. What she's not asking as to do? To be "on" and crossing 9 million things off of our to-do list, if we don't have the actual capacity to do so.
If you've been feeling super guilty for not coming up with a multimillion-dollar idea, or creating 19 blog posts, or not getting back into the shape of your life during COVID19 then today I'm sharing some ways that you can release the pressure of doing, so you can get back to taking care + honoring the whole of you. Yes, even the part of you that's been wearing the same PJs for the past 3 days.
Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:
Ready to work together? Enrollment for the Spring 2020 Goal Getter Sessions are now open! Let’s make ish happen + Join the Goal Getter Sessions!
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