Episode No. 93 Fear -Vs- Intuition: How To Tell The Difference Between The Two + Take A Leap Of Faith

The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast Episode No. 93 Fear Vs Intuition How To Tell The Difference Between The Two + Take A Leap Of Faith.jpg

“Sometimes what you’re afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.”

Believe it or not, there are different types of fear. There is the fear where you sit and let your imagination go wild and you focus on everything that could wrong. That fear is the fear that keeps you stuck in your life and goal chase. But then there is another type of fear-- it shows up when you've been inspired to take action, make a change or take a leap of faith. It's that feeling you get when you want to start a podcast, go back to school, start dating again, or run a business. You're scared 💩less but something is calling you to it. You probably don't have everything that you need to make it happen but you don't care because your soul lights up when you think of it. In today's episode, we're exploring how to tell the difference between normal projected fear and your intuition, because once you're able to distinguish between the two you can go after your heart's desires full force.


Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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