Episode No. 73 Motherhood + The Hustle With Lu'Cretia Thomas


"If anything my daughter is the reason why I decided to take the leap. I want her to see me as an example + know that she can do what she wants and that there are no limitations.

-Lu’Cretia Thomas

A few years ago Lu'Cretia "LC" Thomas was fired from her corporate job. Getting fired is scary as hell but getting fired when you're a single mother to a young daughter is a whole other story. So what did she do? Well, she worked up the courage to look at her firing as an opportunity to go after her side hustles full force. Instead of finding another corporate job she turned her side hustles into a full-blown business. That one leap of faith wound up being the best decision of her life. Now almost seven years later LC is still in the game creating multiple facets of her business while still being a dope mom to her baby girl.

Last Fall, she created the Girl Behind The Hustle, an online community created to encourage, celebrate and share stories from the women behind the hustle. She is also a podcast host, social media strategist, and hairstylist. The woman is a hustler in every sense of the word!

In today's episode, LC shares how she bounced back after getting fired, created her own lane + how motherhood made her a better businesswoman.

Resources Mentioned In Today's Episode:


Episode No. 74 Pressing Pause


Episode No. 72 How Taylor Elyse Morrison Quit Corporate + Turned Her Passions Into A Thriving Business