Episode No. 71 Setting Boundaries With Your Friends + Family During The Holidays

The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast Episode No. 71 Setting Boundaries With Your Friends + Family During The Holidays.jpg

“You become yourself when you’re willing to create boundaries that promote and protect your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.”

The holidays are right around the corner so you know what that means right? It means that it's time to step your boundaries game up! Why? Well because when the holidays roll around your well-meaning friends and family tend to get all up in your business especially around the dinner table. With classic questions like:

  • When are y'all going to get married?

  • Why are you still single?

  • When are you going to have kids?

  • Why are you still renting?

  • Your Momma told me you're having a hard time in school when are you going to get those grades up?

All of that? Yep, extremely TRIGGERING! If you've been dreading going home for the holidays because you're nervous that your peeps are going to bring up some topics that you don't want to discuss you're going to love today's episode. Because we're getting down to the nitty-gritty about how you can tell your loved ones " nope, we're not doing that today" in a way that honors your boundaries and still shows them love and respect.

Resources Mentioned In Today's Episode:


Episode No. 72 How Taylor Elyse Morrison Quit Corporate + Turned Her Passions Into A Thriving Business


Episode No. 70 Putting Yourself First