Episode No. 39 Getting Out Of Financial, Spiritual + Mental Debt With Kristin Sutton
"Sometimes you have to look in the mirror + say "I can't live like this anymore and create a change"
[Tweet "Sometimes you have to look in the mirror + say "I can't live like this anymore" and create a change @debtfreeblkgrl"]
In today's episode, we're chatting it up with Kristin Winchester of, Her Therapy Space I initially invited Kristen onto the show so that she could help us get our finances in order. Luckily enough our conversation took a detour and Kristin shared her powerful testimony. She was once homeless, $10,000 in credit card debt, overweight, depressed and guess what? She overcame all of that! Realizing that God had a greater calling over her life she started doing the work to unlearn toxic behaviors and shift her mindset to get rid of all the "debt" in her life. Now she is a licensed therapist, money + mindset coach, and an overall BOSS. If you're in a situation in your life where you feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel take a listen to today's episode. Kristen's story of faith, perseverance, and grit will give you the encouragement to keep going!
Topics Discussed In Today's Episode:
Hitting rock bottom + climbing back on top
The importance of changing your mindset before trying to change a behavior
Practical steps for how to unlearn toxic thought patterns
How Kristin paid off $10,000 in credit card in 8 months
Debt Snowball + Envelope Budgeting Method
And so much more!
Resources Mentioned In Today's Episode:
Sarah Jakes Roberts Podcasts: Woman Evolving + The Potter's House At One LA
Dave Ramsey Total Money Make Over *affiliate link*
Keep In Touch With Kristin:
Website: Her Therapy Space | Instagram: @kristinwinchesterlpc| Email: hello@hertherapyspace.com
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