Episode No. 36 There's Still Time
“Keep going.”
-Jessica Lauren
Y'all I'm tired! (What's new? Lol!). I've been traveling a ton for work and it's starting to catch up with the kid. I've been sick off and on for the past few weeks. My creativity is on empty and I feel overwhelmed to the max. So for the past week, I've been very tempted to press pause on doing all the things and just putting them off until January. Yep, I was going to take another break from the blog + podcast so I could just catch my breath. That is until I realized that there's still time. There are still 43 days left in this year. 43 opportunities to show up, be my best self and do my best work. Why would I just throw those 43 days away in hopes of re-starting on some arbitrary magical date better known as-- January 1st? I decided right then and there that I wasn't going to wait until perfect. Nope, I was going to honor the next 43 days and do the damn thang! So you know what I did? I got some rest, committed to doing just one thing a day,reconnected with my why and got to work! If you've been tempted to throw in the towel and wait until the new year to kick-start your dreams then this episode is for you!