Episode No. 31 How To Crush One Major Goal In The Next 12 Weeks

The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast Episode No. 31 How To Crush One Major Goal In The Next 12 Weeks.jpg

“The future depends on what you do today.”

We are now exactly 12 weeks away from the end of 2018! Now I'm no psychic but I can guess what you're probably thinking right now. "12 weeks Jessica? But I didn't get out of debt. I didn't write my book. I didn't work out consistently. I didn't get that new job...". Listen I get it. Trust me, you're not the only one who didn't complete all the things that you set out to do way at the top of January. Here's the thing though, everyday is an opportunity to be everything you weren't yesterday. You don't have to wait until January 1st, 2019 to start again.  You've still got 12 whole weeks to realign yourself with your why, make a plan, take action and crush those goals of yours! In today's episode, I'm going to share some practical steps that you can take that will help you get laser-focused on your goals and make some major moves before 2018 comes to a close.


Episode No. 32 Content Creation + Everything In Between With Amber Burns (Side Hustling, Pitching + Social Media)


Episode No. 30 Making Joy A Priority