Episode No. 30 Making Joy A Priority

The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast Episode No. 30 Making Joy A Priority.JPG

β€œIn between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived + enjoyed.”

It's Sunday, so you know what that means, right? It's time for us #GoalGetters to grab our planners and plot out how we're going to conquer this week-- Beyonce style. Time to schedule those meetings, study sessions, and upcoming events that can help us get closer to our goals.

Can I take a peek at your planner right quick? Hmmm... just what I thought.🧐 It seems to me that you have everything all sorted out but I can't seem to see where you scheduled some intentional joy time in there. Hey listen, don't worry. I used to do it all the time too. I'd make sure I got all the things done, but fun? Adventure? Exploration? Hell to the naw naw! It was all hustle for me. That is until I found myself in yet another creative/emotional rut. I was starting to face burnout again for the 50 millionth time. πŸ˜’ So what did I do? I made joy a priority!

Every week I'd take my planner and pencil in something fun (preferably free), or adventurous that would help break up the monotony of the dream chase.  And let me tell you it dug me out of my funk and helped me to reconnect with me again. If you're anything like me-- all work and no play-- then this week's episode is for you!

Resources Mentioned In Today's Episode:

  • Girl's Night In Club

  • Are you a small business owner and want to share your next event, launch or product with the SJS audience? Shoot us an email at hello@norealjewelry.com to learn more our about advertising opportunities!


Episode No. 31 How To Crush One Major Goal In The Next 12 Weeks


Episode No. 29 Asking For Help With Alisha Nicole Robertson