Episode No 4. Just One Thing

Episode No 4. Just One Thing.jpg

Happy New Year! I'm sure you made New Year's resolutions and you set goals that you want to see accomplished this year. Many of us have a billion of things on our To-Do list in areas that we want to grow in our businesses, our careers, our families, and our personal lives. But what happens when you get to the second week of the year and you realize that your list is HUGE and it's overwhelming?

I get it! Too often I find myself struggling with getting the major things on my list done because I'm focusing on the little things: doing laundry, washing dishes, vacuuming the floor, scheduling appointments. And while these things have a place, none of them are pushing me towards my real goals.

In this episode of The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast, I'm going to teach you how focusing on just one thing will help you tackle your To-Do list in a way that will help you see your goals realized. This year, we're going to continue to do the work, but we're going to work smarter! We're going to tackle our important tasks that support our goals instead of getting caught up in doing meaningless work.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:



Episode No 5. Everything Is Figure-It-Out-Able


Holiday Minisode: Reflection + Moving Forward