Episode No. 101 How My Views On Productivity Have Shifted Now That I Have A 9 to 5
“You do have the same amount of hours in a day that Beyonce does. But she also has a team. You don’t. So do the best you can with the time you have + call it a day!”
Jessica Lauren
I haven’t had a traditional nine to five since 2013. So for the past seven years, I've blessed with an abundance of unstructured free time. You see before Rona hit, I did a ton of freelance/production/ acting work that didn't necessarily require that I showed up to an office 40 hours a week. There were some weeks where I worked 14 hour days and others that I only worked a total of 12. So your girl had a whole helluva lot more free times on her hands than that of the average #GoalGetter. With my free time I was able to:
Start a blog
Write five blog posts a week
Write a weekly newsletter
Have photoshoots
Have in real-life meetups
Create and edit a podcast
Coach clients
and all the other thangs that came with being a grown-ass adult with big dreams
And while I had all that free time I encouraged you to get your hustle on too. I'd say things like "Just wake up at 5 am and do the dream work" or " just stay up a few extra hours after work to dedicate to your craft." I meant well but the truth of the matter is that I was basking in the luxury of time not realizing that not everyone had access to it as I did.
That is until my ass got a full-time job this past March. Baby, I am singing an entirely different productivity tune now that my time isn't all nilly willy like it was in the past. All that hustle hard, stay up late, wake up early, do all the things, cross everything off your to-do list in 3 hours or less-- ish? Nah, I am NOT bout that life no more. My views on productivity have shifted big time. Balance? Not sure if that's a real thing. Working until the point of burnout and depression? Yep, not doing that anymore. Driving myself crazy trying to beat the Instagram Algorithm? Hell to the Nah!
Don't get me wrong, I'm still getting my hustle on but with more ease, grace, and enough room for me to honor not only my businesses needs but also those of my mind, body + soul. In today's episode, I'm sharing how I'm unlearning some of my old productivity beliefs.
Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:
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Episode No. 4 Just One Thing
Episode No. 16 Creating Non Negotiable Dream Work Hours
Episode No. 100 How Podcasting Changed The Game In My Business + Lessons Learned
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