Episode No. 138 Honoring Your Bandwidth

Burnout is what happens when you try to avoid being human for too long.
— Michael Gungor

What do you do when you're worn the hell out? Do you go sit down somewhere so you can get some rest? Or are you like the rest of us? You know-- the chronically overwhelmed bunch that constantly ignores how we're feeling so that we can slap on a smile, and try to be strong all while wearily saying "I got this"?

If this sounds familiar, then it might be time to ditch the to-do list and honor your bandwidth. In today's episode, we're answering one huge question--"do I have the mental, physical and emotional capacity to add yet another damn thang to my plate?" It's a scary question for us #GoalGetters to answer because we love doing the work. But what happens if you just don't have the bandwidth right now? Well, check out today's episode to find out!

Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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Jessica Lauren sitting on her desk at home with artwork from Black artists in the background

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Episode Transcripts:


Quick Tip #51 Say What You Need To Say


Quick Tip #50 Should I Focus On Instagram Or The Work?