Episode No. 66 Ditching The Excuses Series: "I Don't Know Enough"

The Sunday Jumpstart Episode No. 68 Ditching The Excuses Series %22I Don't Have The Right Resources%22 By Jessica Lauren.jpg

"If you spend too much time thinking about a thing you'll never get it done"

-Bruce Lee

Today's episode marks the beginning of our-- Ditch The Excuses Series! Over the course of the next few weeks, we're going to spend some time dismantling some common excuses that keep us stuck in our dream chase. Today we're talking about the "I don't know enough" excuse. We tend to pull this bad baby out when we're afraid to take the next step. We sign up for all the newsletters, read all the books, sign up for the webinars + E-courses all because we think we need MORE information before we actually begin the dream work. Now I'm not knocking research at all. Get all the information you need to make an informed decision. But if you've been on a perpetual hamster wheel of acquiring more knowledge and not taking any action, then Houston we have a major problem!  If this sounds like you then stay tuned because I'm sharing some tips on how to get over your analysis paralysis and start making ish happen in your life!

Resources Mentioned In Today's Episode:


Episode No. 67 Ditching The Excuses Series: "It's Already Been Done"


Episode No. 65 Recommitting To Your Hustle