Episode No. 24 How To Deal With Anxiety, Overwhelm + Your Inner Critc

The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast Episode No. 24 How To Deal With Anxiety, Overwhelm + Your Inner Critc.jpg

“Your inner critic is simply a part of you that needs more self-love.” 

-Amy Lee Mercree

Last month I took a break from my blog and biz because I was completely burned out. I took some time off to breathe, reconnect with my why and get my ish together. Taking that time off was the best decision I could've ever made but now that I am back in the game I’ve been struggling with some major anxiety. I don’t know what it is but I just haven’t been feeling like my bold, brave self. 

Lately when I sit down to start a project or do some dream work a sense of overwhelm and anxiety washes over me. Out of the clear blue sky, I’ve been afraid to hit publish, scared to show up on social media, second-guessing whether or not I should reach out to folks for partnerships and collabs. Which is so not like me. I'm usually front and center getting my dreams on and popping but lately, I've been playing small. 

I can't quite put my fingers on it but I think the reason that I'm having an anxiety flare up is that I'm at a point in my life and career where I am leveling up. I’ve been praying some mighty big prayers and taking some bold actions to match and my inner critic ain't having it.  She's been trying to punk me these past few weeks in order to keep me safe and sound in my comfort zone. I was letting her win for a second. That’s is until I was at home in my studio in the middle of a major meltdown and I asked myself a question that legit obliterated all of my anxiety and overwhelm. So if you’re like me and you’ve been letting fear, anxiety and your inner critic get the best of you-- check out today's episode. I’m going to share how I've been stopping anxiety dead in her little tracks and how I get back to doing the work God has purposed me to do. 

Topics Discussed In Today’s Episode:

  • How to lovingly validate your inner critic's concerns and still leap out of your comfort zone.

  • The two different types of fear: Yirah and Pachad. One you want to embrace while the other keeps you stuck. Learn the difference between the two.

  • The one question I ask myself that crushes my anxiety and overwhelm every single time.

Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

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Today's Episode Of The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast Is Sponsored By Naisha Patterson Interiors

Today's Episode Of The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast Is Sponsored By Naisha Patterson Interiors

Naisha Patterson Interiors. 

Naisha Patterson Interiors is a design and home décor consultation company that believes simplicity is key. We create organized spaces by working with you to select unique, chic décor that sets you on your path to living your best life. To schedule a consultation, e-design, or to shop our products, visit www.NaishaPattersonInteriors.com


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