Episode No. 17 Fell Off? How To Get Back On Track With Your Goals

The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast Episode No. 17 Fell Off? How To Get Back On Track With Your Goals.jpg

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Remember those goals that you set in January? How are you doing? If you're accomplishing your set goals, good for you boo! Keep it going! But if you're like most people who have gotten away from accomplishing their goals, don't worry. By this time of the year, many people have fallen off from the goals that they set for their lives, their dreams, their businesses, their health, etc. That's because life happens. We get busy, and then we realize it's been forever since we got anything accomplished.

I'm right there in the same boat as you. When I evaluated where I am in relation to the goals that I set for this year, life got in the way. I'm not creating as much content as I wanted to. I haven't been to the gym like I thought I would. I didn't get all the things accomplished like I thought. Most of the time, people just give up on their goals, but you don't have to. I've gotten sidetracked from my goals before. I've had to learn how to get back up when I fell off. I know it seems like it's hard, but it's not impossible.

In this week's episode of The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast, Iā€™m going to share some practical and actionable steps to help you get back on track with your goals. I'll give you some simple things that you can do to evaluate where you are and make a plan to achieve your goals. Don't give up and don't quit. There are still several months remaining in the year to make some progress. Listen to this episode for some encouragement!

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:


Episode No. 18 Committing To 100 No's


Episode No.16 Creating Non-Negotiable Dream Work Hours