Episode No.2 Guarding Your Vision

Episode No.2 Guarding Your Vision.JPG

Today’s episode of The Sunday Jump Start Podcast is near and dear to my heart. I've learned to guard my vision the hard way. I've shared things and ended up with the "boo boo" face because it didn't happen the way I thought. Or I let other people's fears talk me out of something I was excited about.

Do you ever wake up with a bright idea or with a goal to make a change in your life? Something that God put on your heart that makes you excited and feel like you have a purpose for your life? What happens when you share this with your mama, sister, cousin, best friend and they scrutinize it? Your dream shrivels up and dies under their shortsightedness.

We all get excited to share our ideas and our visions, but sometimes in order to protect their growth, we have to shhhh. There are times when you’re chasing your dreams, you have to shut your mouth. You can't go around telling everybody everything because they don't see what you see. They don't have the vision that God gave you. If you want to see your dreams and visions come to life, you have to guard them.

Topics Discussed In This Episode:

  • Why it’s important to guard your vision

  • How to guard your vision. What things should you share? When do you open up and tell the world what you're working on?

  • Who do you let in as you’re dream chasing? Who should you trust to help you grow your vision?

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

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Episode No. 3 Don't Wait For Inspiration: Discipline Is Bae


Episode No.1 Everything You Feel Isn't The Truth